A True inspirational story: Wudhu washes away anger

Saturday, December 20, 2014

By: Umar Shariff

A truly inspirational story received from Br. Shaik, Principal, Al Basheer International School:

A message that which I received from a Parent.

Assalamu alaikum brother

Just wanted to share something.

Today I was mad at A#$€¥ because I thought she had lied to me about something (which in fact she hadn't..... I realized later). I was scolding her and she was shouting back at me that she hadn't lied. Then suddenly she stopped and quietly marched towards her room. I could hear her shut the door behind her from where I was. I was furious. So, she is learning new tricks... I thought. I went into the room only to find her going inside the bathroom. So, now she is planning to lock herself in the bathroom... again I thought. I was even more furious. "What do you think you are doing?" I screamed. She calmly replied, "I am doing what my ma'am asked me to do whenever I get angry", "doing wudu".... I stood there shocked and ashamed at myself. She came out smiling and said "it worked mummy". I couldn't help smiling and crying at the same time. May Allah Grant her success in this world and the hereafter. May Allah Grant everyone an offspring like her.

JazakAllahukhairan A£$¥€'s Islamic studies teacher. I can never thank you enough and jazakumullah for the wonderful work at Al Basheer International school Bangalore.

A True inspirational story: Wudhu washes away anger  - Islamic Reasoning

About the Author
Br. Umar Shariff is the CEO of Al Basheer International School and Founder-President of DIET - Discover Islam Education Trust. He is a keen social activist who strictly adhere to the principles of Islam.
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When Every Child goes to Jannah then why not kill all the children?

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Question: When Every Child goes to Jannah then why not kill all the children?


Islam believes in Success in this world and in the hereafter.

Point #1:

We should follow the footsteps of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). When we read the life history of the Prophet (peace be upon him), he never did these kinds of activities. A Muslim has to follow and strictly adhere to the teachings of the Prophet (i. e. The Quran and Saheeh Ahaadeeth)

Point # 2:

Islam teaches to secure our Jannah first, then blood relations, close relatives and neighbours, city, national and international. If we believe in killing all the innocents so that they achieve Paradise, then our paradise is at loss. The Quran says in Surah Maedah (5):32 “If any one kills any human being, unless be it for a murder or creating mischief in the land, he has killed the entire humanity”. If anyone kills any innocent life then on the Day of Judgment he will get punishment of killing entire mankind. On the contrary, the same ayah (verse) continue saying “If anyone saves a life of one individual, it is as if he has saved the whole humanity” What will be the choice of any sensible person? Killing or saving lives?

Point #3:

We don’t know Ilm-e-Gaib (The knowledge of unseen). The person might accept Islam and work for his deen and achieve much higher paradise. The person can create wonders and please God Almighty. If we kill him/her in childhood then we are destroying the law of God.

Counter Question:

Why can’t one man sacrifice himself for the benefit of others?

Point #1

When it comes to the hereafter and the punishment of God Almighty, no one can sacrifice himself for the benefit of others. The Quran says even a loving mother will throw her baby and thinks of herself.

Point #2

This life is the test for the hereafter. So every individual should secure his place in the paradise first and then bother about others. We should follow the way given by the God Almighty. Whatever is commanded by Almighty Allah should be followed and we should abstain from those things which are prohibited by God Almighty.

Point #3

We cannot commit sins or displease God Almighty for the sake of others. Killing is a major sin in Islam.

Point #4

Guidance is in the hands of Allah. He will give to those whom he wishes not to those whom we wish.

The Solution:

The Quran says in Surah Nahl (16):125 “Invite (all) to the way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching…” Conveying the message to the humanity in the most sensible manner and constantly try and convince the reality of God Almighty. Dawah (inviting, preaching) is the only solution to save mankind from the hell fire. Allah commands in the Glorious Quran in Surah Ghashiyah (88):21-22 “So remind them – you are only one who reminds. You are not a dictator over them.”
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While Choosing a Spouse…A Few Advice

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Author: Nisaar Nadiadwala
Marriage - Nisaar Nidadwala - Islamic Reasoning
What makes a person likeable? To reach a proper answer, let us add another question similar to it.. What makes a dress likeable? The fitting, its comfort, its looks, style and the pleasure that we get when we wear it makes us like a particular dress. We carry our clothes upon our body or our clothes are with us on our body and they hide our physical weakness and our body. Allah the Wisest says: Hunna libaasulakum wa antum lilbasunahunna.. Your wives are your garments and you are their garments…

What makes a person likeable? Let us repeat the question. His deen, his habits, looks (pleasing looks, not glamour) way of speaking, his activities, makes a person lovable or unlovable.

Like Branded Dresses, some people prefer branded brides and grooms while some prefer rich ones. This is one extreme of choosing spouses. The other extreme, Some girls and boys delay their marriages hoping to be like a branded prospective bride or groom or wait for a branded wife or a groom.

Many people put forth this hadith as an excuse for delaying marriages: O Young Men! Those who can afford, let them marry……So they say.. we can’t afford. I asked a young man when he said, I can’t afford. What do you can’t afford? Luxury? Branded watches and dresses for your wife? Expensive holidays? Tasty Restaurants? Lavish House? Car? It is a gross misunderstanding of hadith. Affordable means basic amenities, but many young men disqualify themselves by applying the parameters of materialism.

The qualities that are liked by Allah are the qualities that you should look in your prospective spouse. Very Simple? The Prophet (pbuh) said to Abdul Khair.. You have two qualities that Allah and his Messenger like.. Forbearance and Sabr.. The man asked.. Were they gifted in me or did I acquired?.. He replied. They were gifted in you. It is not essential to own wealth to be a generous. Hatim Tai was not rich yet his generosity flourished. The Quraish of Makkkah were not the richest tribe of Arabia, yet they provided hospitality to the Pilgrims. In the same way bravery is not always seen in battle field. It can be experienced in day to day life too when one confronts a house lizard or cockroaches….!

What are the benefits of marrying a person of religious inclination?

1. He/ she is in constant touch with Allah through regular salah and dhikr.

2. He/She is charitable towards the needy.. and know that charity drives away calamities, making your life safer.

3. He /She is well mannered… and everybody likes a well-mannered person. He/She is welcomed in every gathering and people like him/her

4. He/ She will stop you from committing evil and correct you if you err.

5. He/She will correct himself/herself when pointed or remind mistakes or sins.

6. He/She will stop you from making unIslamic decisions by giving you Islamic inputs

7. He /She will bring up children Islamically, thus a happy old age…

8 ……. 9 …… 10 ….. add your own benefits to the list.
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Now trending: Inter-caste marriages!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Author: Iram Siddique

"Masha Allah! That's a rewardable act beta!" he said to his neighbour's son when he got the news of him marrying a non-Muslim girl after reverting her to Islam. Little do people know that he objected his own son's wish of marrying a Muslim girl because she was not from his khandan (family). Well, this is an example of both, a form of hypocrisy still prevailing in large sections of our Muslim society and of an emerging trend being followed by young Muslims largely of marrying non-Muslims, and their families either taking pride in it or boycotting them both in the wrong sense.

Islam allows marrying chaste women of the books (Jews & Christians). But in a time where chastity is a rarity in the Muslim world itself, to look for it outside is really foolish. And I am pretty sure that majority of those who commit such an act would have not even bothered to check the religious ruling on it and they have only helped in increasing the number of single Muslim women over the years. The non-Muslim’s cultural influence, liberal, modern Muslims peer group, the non-Muslim social circle, lack of Islamic knowledge, are some of the most common factors enhancing this new trend in the Muslim world. There are two types of reverts, one who embrace Islam out of free will, Allah guides them and the other who enter Islam just because they fall for a Muslim person who puts to them the only choice of becoming a Muslim in order to get married to them irrespective of whether they do it from their heart or just for the heck of it. Unfortunately, according to me, the latter is a more common reason bringing new Muslims to Islam in our Hindu majority nation, India.

Talking from my experience and observation about the latter ones, they either turn out to be the best of Muslims or a great Fitna!

Case 1:
I know someone who is also a dear friend to me and like an elder sister to me who embraced Islam because her husband is a Muslim. She is one of those very few who reverted from her heart, praying five times and performing other religious obligations consistently has made her an example in our neighbourhood to follow, Masha Allah! But as Allah tests each one of us, her test started with her own husband, who was the medium in getting her into Islam and who sadly became also the medium of her tests. He gradually started with depriving her even of her basic rights which she had over him, to the extent of threatening her with a divorce just for the sake of his parents who were not happy at all with his decision of marrying not only a Hindu but also someone who has not brought anything in marriage (dowry). They regularly humiliated, oppressed her, and were not as welcoming as the gentleman mentioned above, just because she was a Hindu who affected their family's dignity, their honor, who trapped their innocent son, who eventually let their heads down in their family. Their fear would have been still justified had she not followed our religion well, had she been a disobedient wife or an immodest woman, had they been good Muslims themselves who feared hypocrisy from her that may affect the environment at home and the upbringing of their future generation. The husband, who seemed to be a practicing Muslim to her, eventually revealed his true face which she didn't identified earlier.

How can a "good" Muslim guy/girl fall for a non-Muslim girl/guy? It is absolutely indigestible, insensible and will only make sense to those who don't know Islam properly.

Talking about this woman's in-laws, they deprived her of even the basic rights. They treated her almost like an untouchable, to an extent that she was left to suffer alone for months at a government hospital when she was expecting her first baby and had serious complications, with no one ever checking on her except for her husband who used to come just like the nurses did, out of formality. They have no compassion, no care towards the patient, just an obligation! Her Imaan was tested to the extreme level yet she never regretted the decision of becoming a Muslim. When I used to visit her during that time, my only motive was to help her in difficulty and keep her dying hope alive. I gave her audios of the Tafseer of Surah Maryam, read out to her inspirational Islamic stories, about patience and forbearance in Islam. I used to tell her that this is a test from the Lord to only bring her closer to Him. Anyhow I didn't wanted her Imaan to drop to the level where she regrets her decision of becoming a Muslim because she expressed it many times - out of the trauma and depression - how much she was regretting of abandoning her family and community for someone who she loved more than them. Believe me, they started questioning her decision of embracing Islam, this is the height of oppression. For me this is one of the gravest mistakes or sins that a born Muslim can commit. But these tests only made her stronger. She emerged out of it with a stronger Imaan, stronger belief in her Qadr, Alhamdulillah! Not everyone has that level of Imaan to realize the betterment behind the tests and trials of life. Not everyone has that ability to look beyond life, putting their trust in Allah SWT alone. "Verily, Allah sends astray whom He wills, and guides whom He wills." [Faatir, 35:8]

Case 2:
According to me this kind of new Muslims are many. I'm talking about those who enter Islam and remain in it only for the one who brought them into, and not for the One who gave them this golden chance – i.e. Allah! A cousin of my sister’s friend got married to a Jain-Gujarati girl who initially performed few basic obligations to show off to everyone around especially her husband that she is now a Muslim. Now her husband and in-laws luckily (for her) belonged to the liberal, modern Muslim category. So there were no religious restrictions as such and this only encouraged her to disobey Allah more. So she is not only to be blamed entirely for this as her in laws themselves failed to practice the religion on a better scale. Nothing changed much for this girl except her name on her Nikah-naama (marriage certificate), government documents, and social media. She does not only enjoy the freedom to keep her old name and nicknames related to it but also an absolute liberty to post pictures of her partying and clubbing in immodest dressing! And her oh-so-loving-husband doesn't mind because he is still rejoicing the ‘fact’ that she changed her religion for him!

I learnt from both the cases that the prohibited act of marrying a non-Muslim can be changed into a rewardable act if the Muslims strive to invite such people to Islam only in the manners prescribed by the Shari'ah. We should strive to project the true picture of Islam through our own actions and behavior. We should give them their due rights and treat them with hospitality. Our attitude can lead the new-comer into a blessing or a fitnah.

About the Author:
Iram Siddique, an undergraduate in commerce, has a passion to write on subjects related to Islam, particularly, ignored religious issues, misconceptions and wrong practices in the Muslim society. A homemaker residing in Abu Dhabi, born and brought up in Mumbai, India; she holds a keen interest in gaining Islamic Knowledge to practice.
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An introduction of Surah Kahf

Thursday, June 19, 2014

This Surah takes its name from v. 9 in which the word (al-kahf) occurs.
Period of Revelation
 This is the first of those Surahs which were sent down in the third stage of Prophethood at Makkah. We have already divided the life of the Holy Prophet at Makkah into four stages in the Introduction to Chapter VI. According to that division the third stage lasted from the fifth to the tenth year of Prophethood. What distinguishes this stage from the second and the fourth stages is this. During the second stage the Quraish mainly resorted to ridiculing, scoffing, threatening, tempting, raising objections and making false propaganda against the Holy Prophet and his followers in order to suppress the Islamic Movement. But during the third stage they employed the weapons of persecution, man handling and economic pressure for the same purpose. So much so that a large number of the Muslims had to emigrate from Arabia to Habash, and those who remained behind were besieged in Shi'ib Abi Talib along with the Holy Prophet and his family. To add to their misery, a complete social and economic boycott was applied against them. The only redeeming feature was that there were two personalities, Abu Talib and Hadrat Khadijah, whose personal influence had been conducive to the support of two great families of the Quraish. However, when in the tenth year of Prophethood these two persons died, the fourth stage began with such revere persecutions as forced the Holy Prophet and all his Companions to emigrate from Makkah.

It appears from the theme of the Surah that it was revealed at the beginning of the third stage when in spite of persecutions and opposition, migration to Habash had not yet taken place. That is why the story of "Ashab-i-Kahf" (the Sleepers of the Cave) has been related to comfort and encourage the persecuted Muslims and to show them how the righteous people have been saving their Faith in the past.
Subject and Topics

This Surah was sent down in answer to the three questions which the mushriks of Makkah, in consultation with the people of the Book, had put to the Holy Prophet in order to test him. These were: (1) Who were "the Sleepers of' the Cave"? (2) What is the real story of Khidr? and (3) What do you know about Zul-Qarnain? As these three questions and the stories involved concerned the history of the Christians and the Jews, and were unknown in Hijaz, a choice of these was made to test whether the Holy Prophet possessed any source of the knowledge of the hidden and unseen things. Allah, however, not only gave a complete answer to their questions but also employed the three stories to the disadvantage of the opponents of Islam in the conflict that was going on at that time at Makkah between Islam and un-belief:

  1. The questioners were told that "the Sleepers of the Cave" believed in the same doctrine of Tauhid which was being put forward in the Quran and that their condition was similar to the condition of the persecuted Muslims of Makkah. On the other hand, the persecutors of the Sleepers of the Cave had behaved in the same way towards them as the disbelievers of the Quraish were behaving towards the Muslims. Besides this, the Muslims have been taught that even if a Believer is persecuted by a cruel society, he should not bow down before falsehood but emigrate from the place all alone, if need be, with trust in God. Incidentally the disbelievers of Makkah were told that the story of the Sleepers of the Cave was a clear proof of the creed of the Hereafter, for this showed that Allah has the power to resurrect anyone He wills even after a long sleep of death as He did in case of the Sleepers of the Cave. 

  2. The story of the Sleepers of the Cave has also been used to warn the chiefs of Makkah who were persecuting the small newly formed Muslim Community. At the same time, the Holy Prophet has been instructed that he should in no case make a compromise with their persecutors nor should he consider them to be more important than his poor followers. On the other hand, those chiefs have been admonished that they should not be puffed up with the transitory life of pleasure they were then enjoying but should seek after those excellences which are permanent and eternal.

  3. The story of Khidr and Moses has been related in such a way as to supply the answer to the question of the disbelievers and to give comfort to the Believers as well. The lesson contained in this story is this "You should have full faith in the wisdom of what is happening in the Divine Factory in accordance with the will of Allah. As the reality is hidden from you, you are at a loss to understand the wisdom of what is happening, and sometimes if it appears that things are going against you, you cry out, 'How and why has this happened'. The fact is that if the curtain be removed from the "unseen", you would yourselves come to know that what is happening here is for the best. Even if some times it appears that something is going against you, you will see that in the end it also produces some good results for you.

  4. The same is true of the story of Zul-Qarnain for it also admonishes the questioners, as if to say, "0 you vain chiefs of Makkah you should learn a lesson from Zul-Qarnain. Though he was a great ruler, a great conqueror and the owner of great resources, yet he always surrendered to his Creator, whereas you are rebelling against Him even though you are insignificant chieftains in comparison with him. Besides this, though Zul-Qarnain built one of the strongest walls for protection, yet his real trust was in Allah and not in the "wall". He believed that the wall could protect him against his enemies as long as it was the will of Allah and that there would be crack and holes in it, when it would be His will : whereas you who possess only insignificant fortified abodes and dwellings in comparison with him, consider yourselves to be permanently safe and secure against all sorts of calamities."
While the Quran turned the tables on the questioners who had tried to "expose" the Holy Prophet, in the end of the Surah the same things have been reiterated that were stated at its beginning: "Tauhid and the Hereafter are absolutely true and real and for your own good you should accept these doctrines, mend your ways in accordance with them and live in this world with this conviction that you are accountable to Allah: otherwise you shall ruin your life and all your doings shall be set at naught." 

Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi - Tafhim al-Qur'an - The Meaning of the Qur'an 
Source: http://www.englishtafsir.com/quran/18/ 

Read other articles on Surah Kahf here
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A moving story... Second wife!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

The words reverberated through my brain. Why? Am I not good enough? Never! I will never accept a second wife! If you want a second wife you can go out and get one as long as you know that I will not be here when you come back!

Those were my words to my husband a few years ago when he mentioned to me that he is intending to marry again a second time. It was a woman recently divorced, 4 children. She is having a hard time, he said, she don't know where the next meal is coming from or how to provide adequately for her children. "Where is their father?" I asked, "Can't he take care of his own kids? Why do you a strange man have to carry another man's burden? Surely there are other ways that you can help her out financially without having to MARRY her!

I could not imagine myself in a plural marriage. Sharing my husband with another woman. Sharing his love, his smiles, his jokes with a woman other than myself. I could not fathom him holding her close and whispering loving words in her ears. It was unacceptable. An outrage. After all I have been to him. Wife, lover, mother, doctor, housekeeper. I raised 3 of his beautiful children. How can he insult me by marrying another woman as if I am not good enough. Not pretty enough. Not young enough or just plain not ENOUGH!

NO! I could not accept that and I vehemently made my stance clear to him. If she walks in, I walk out! Plain and simple. If he is willing to risk our marriage, our life, our children for another woman, then he must go ahead. I will not stand for it!

It all seems so many years ago now. When I thought that life would last forever and that nothing will ever change. But it did..

My husband did not get married to a second wife. After all my warnings and threats of leaving he abandoned the idea. I don't know what happened to the women and children. My guess is that they moved on to another town.

He never mentioned a second wife again and I was happy with that. I managed to hang on to my husband but I didn't know that our time was running out.
His last words to me were that he had a headache and is going to lie down till Esha. He never read Esha namaaz that night, because he never woke up.

I was devastated by his sudden death. The man whom I have spent my life with, snatched away from me in a second. I mourned him for a long, long time.

Neglecting my children and the business. Soon all went to waste and we started losing everything one by one. First the car then the shop, then the house.

We moved in with my brother and his family. My 3 children and I crowded the house and my sister in law soon became annoyed by our presence. I needed to get out, to work and find a place of our own instead of living off the leftovers of others. But I had no skill.

When my husband was alive we lived comfortably. I had no need to go out and work or or equip myself with a skill. Life was very difficult for me and my children and I wasn't young anymore. I missed him everyday with every beat of my heart. How could ones condition change so drastically?

One day my brother told me that someone he knew is looking for a wife. He was a good person, good akhlaq and very pious. Perfect for me, but he wants me to be his second wife.

It's the second time in my life that the word second wife was mentioned to me. But how different the circumstances.

He came to my brothers house to see me. There was an immediate connection between us. I liked him and I liked everything about him. He told me that his first wife knows that he is intending to marry again but that she is obviously not supportive of the idea and that he doesn't know what her reaction will be when he tells her that he had found someone. His answer he said, will be dependent on her acceptance of Polygamy.

I started reading Istikhara that night. I so desperately wanted it to work out. I remembered so many years ago when the life of another woman depended on my decision and what my decision was. I felt contrite, I felt that because I did not give another woman a chance, a space in my life, that Allah will punish me this time around. I repented, not once in my life did I think my action worthy of repentance because I had done nothing wrong. I only protected what was mine.

Now that I am on the receiving end, I realized how wrong I was in denying another woman this PRIVILEGE of a husband.

I prayed that she will accept me.
He phoned me a few days later telling me that his wife is having a hard time accepting it but that she is willing to meet me.

I was nervous the day of the meeting. I prayed a lot the day before and asked Allah to help me. When I met her, she was a person, a woman like me . A woman who loves her husband and fears losing him.

She took my hand and with tears in her eyes said: " This is very hard for me, but I hope that we can be sisters"..

Her words broke my heart. All I needed in these dark days was a hand reaching out to me and embracing me, giving me hope and the will to carry on.

His wife was to me, the woman that I could not be and I will be forever grateful for that. I thought that no one could love her husband the way I loved mine, but she taught me the true meaning of unconditional love.
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Benefits and Secrets of Surah Al Kahf

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Ever wondered why Prophet Muhammad (SAW) asked us to recite Surat Al-Kahf every Friday?

Let’s find out today inshaAllah…

This Surah has Four stories in it,having some morals,lets see them and understand what they are saying to us:
1) The People Of The Cave 
Its the story of young men who lived in a disbelieving town, so they decided to migrate for the sake of Allah and run away. -Allah rewards them with mercy in the cave and protection from the sun – They woke up and found the entire village believers. 
2) The Owner Of Two Gardens
A story of a man whom Allah blessed with two beautiful gardens, but the man forgot to thank the One who blessed him with everything and he even dared to doubt Allah regarding the afterlife.So His garden was destroyed – He regretted ,but was too late and his regret did not benefit him .

3) Musa(AS) and Khidr(AS)
When Musa(AS) was asked-“Who’s the most knowledgeable of the people of earth?”” Musa(AS) said:Me…,but Allah revealed to him that there’s someone who Knows more than him.Musa(AS) traveled to the man and learnt how the Divine Wisdom can sometimes be hidden in matters which we perceive as bad.

4) Dhul-Qarnayn

Its a story of the great King that was given knowledge and power and was going around the world,helping people and spreading all that’s good.He was able to overcome the problem of Yajooj-Majooj and build a massive dam with the help of people whom he could not even understand.

In the middle Allah mentions Iblees as the one who stirs these trials:

Behold! We said to the angels “Bow down to Adam”: they bowed down except Iblis. He was one of the Jinns, and he broke the Command of his Lord. Will ye then take him and his progeny as protectors rather than Me? And they are enemies to you! Evil would be the exchange for the wrongdoers!

Now let us see what’s the relationship between Surat Al-Kahf and the Dajjal (Anti-Christ)?

Dajjal will appear before Day of Judgement with the 4 trials:

He’ll ask people to worship him and not Allah:
Trial of Faith .

He’ll be given powers to start/stop rain and tempt people with his wealth:
Trial of with his wealth. .

He’ll trial people with the “knowledge” and news he gives them:
Trial of Knowledge .

He’ll control huge parts of the Earth.
Trial of Power .

How to survive these trials? The answers are in Surat Al-Kahf

Survival Kit 1: Good companionship.
“And keep thy soul content with those who call on their Lord morning and evening, seeking His Face; and let not thine eyes pass beyond them, seeking the pomp and glitter of this Life; no obey any whose heart We have permitted to neglect the remembrance of Us, one who follows his own desires, whose case has gone beyond all bounds.” (Surat Al-Kahf, verse 28)

Survival Kit 2: Knowing the Truth of this World .
“Set forth to them the similitude of the life of this world: It is like the rain which we send down from the skies: the earth’s vegetation absorbs it, but soon it becomes dry stubble, which the winds do scatter: it is (only) Allah who prevails over all things” (Surat Al-Kahf, verse 45)

Survival Kit 3: Humbleness.
“Moses said: “Thou wilt find me, if Allah so will, (truly) patient: nor shall I disobey thee in aught.””(Surat Al-Kahf, verse 69)

Survival Kit 4: Sincerity.
“Say: “I am but a man like yourselves, (but) the inspiration has come to me, that your Allah is one Allah. whoever expects to meet his Lord, let him work righteousness, and, in the worship of his Lord, admit no one as partner.” (Surat Al- Kahf, verse 110)
Survival Kit 5: Calling to Allah .
“And recite (and teach) what has been revealed to thee of the Book of thy Lord: none can change His Words, and none wilt thou find as a refuge other than Him.” (Surat Al-Kahf, verse 27)

Survival Kit 6: Remembering the HereAfter .

“One Day We shall remove the mountains, and thou wilt see the earth as a level stretch, and We shall gather them, all together, nor shall We leave out any one of them. And they will be marshalled before thy Lord in ranks, (with the announcement), “Now have ye come to Us (bare) as We created you first: aye, ye thought We shall not fulfil the appointment made to you to meet (Us)!”: And the Book (of Deeds) will be placed (before you); and thou wilt see the sinful in great terror because of what is (recorded) therein; they will say, “Ah! woe to us! what a Book is this! It leaves out nothing small or great,but takes account thereof !” They will find all that they did, placed before them: And not one will thy Lord treat with injustice.” (Surat Al-Kahf, verses 47-49)
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